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Regional Coordinators:

Dameon Berry

Cell: (865) 599-2291

Shae McCarthy

Cell: (661) 350-2279

About Dameon:

Dameon Berry from Union County, Tennessee is our East TN Regional FVC TN Coordinator. Berry is a third-generation cattle farmer, a U.S. Army veteran and dog trainer. Tennessee AgrAbility helped him with assistive technology to be more independent around his farm after an accident left him unable to walk and a quadriplegic.  Dameon wants to give back to help other veteran farmers find the resources that he learned are out there.

About Shae:

Coming soon.

Regional Resources

Extension - Find your County and know your local agricultural agent 

TSU East TN New Farmer Academy -

Appalachian Field School -

Lexy Close 423-427-0549

The Field School is a beginning farmer training program that provides students with an overview of small-scale farming in East Tennessee. It is taught by 20+ farmers and agricultural professionals and is hosted by the Appalachian RC&D Council, Green Earth Connection, and many area partners.

USDA - NRCS  - Area 4 Offices by County


Farmer Veteran Coalition of Tennessee is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. © 2021 Farmer Veteran Coalition of Tennessee. All rights reserved.

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