'Farm-to-Market: Opportunity Knocks'
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - Knoxville, TN
Registration Open: https://conference.farmvetco.org/
This year FVC is holding two one-day regional conferences in place of the annual national Stakeholders Conference, hosted in conjunction with state chapters Farmer Veteran Coalition TN and Washington State Chapter of the Farmer Veteran Coalition. Members and supporters are welcome to attend either or both, regardless of your location. The chapters are organizing an optional welcome social event the day prior as well as optional farm tours on the day following.
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities available. contact farmvetcotn@gmail.com or conference@farmvetco.org
TN State University Extension is offering 20 scholarships. Email application to agrability@tennessee.edu
FVC 2021 regional conferences will be energized about gathering in person once again, with shared enthusiasm and exchange of ideas is unmatched. It's impossible to deny the powerful camaraderie of a group of farmer veterans together!
Farmer Veteran Coalition of Tennessee is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. © 2021 Farmer Veteran Coalition of Tennessee. All rights reserved.
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